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2023 Highlights

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The PlutoHacks 2023 hackathon was a fantastic event with 105 participants who submitted numerous impressive projects. In addition to the talented hackers, we organized enjoyable pre-hackathon and in-event activities. Let’s take a look at some of the key moments from PlutoHacks 2023!


Below are the winners of the hackathon for 2023! We had several categories and sponsor-organized challenges! You can see more information about these categories & challenges on Devpost!

1st Place - Best Overall

Ben Moy
Diya Puran
Nikhita Sridhar
Vivien Tan

An app that allows users to pick one of their favorite soothing games in the app. This game can be quickly be accessed while the phone is locked via a widget. This provides quick support for users. The program also has a journaling feature which allows the user to jot down thoughts about the breakdown. This helps the user cope with the emotions and possibly prevent a future attack.

Best First Time Hacker

Treyven Rivera
John Cinek
Juliana Ramírez
Janae Guillaume

Many individuals experience nerves before a job interview, and we recognize the importance of addressing this issue. To help alleviate this anxiety, InerviewRUs has developed an innovative solution – an application that utilizes Unity and ChatGPT to simulate a real-life interview experience.

Best Innovation Hack

Felipe Marquez
Barbara Wise
Darwins Olcima
Andrew Deandrade

Knowing digital illiteracy is comen among users. Digital Compus created a virtual reality experience with the Oculus Quest an app that combines AR and an AI-powered virtual advisor to promote digital literacy. The app features interactive, high-quality AR models of all technology, past and present.

Crowd Favorite

Wesley Tejon

Insight is a program that will revolutionize the way we connect with each other. We are focused on bringing people together through technology.

Miami Dolphins - Sponsor Challenge

Hugo Medrano
Marita Pérez Díaz
Zachri Hall
Yestin Arvin Gochuico

Along with being 2nd Place, Pluto Web was also the most compliant with accessibility standards and was the most digitally accessible project.

Microsoft - Sponsor Challenge

Nelson Diaz
Mark Weissgerber
Makenson Noel
Christian Delvalle

Along with being the Best Accessibility Hack, Insight’s use of the MRTK3 won them the opportunity to showcase their work to a community of educators at Microsoft!


Recordings & Resources

Hackathon Events

Opening Ceremony
XR/Unity Workshop
Digital Accessibility
Women in Tech Panel
GitHub Refresher
How to Use APIs
How to Submit Project

Pre-Hackathon Workshops

Microsoft VR/AR Demo
Web Dev 101
GitHub Basics
JavaScript Essentials
Work with WordPress
Prototyping with Figma
3D Modeling in Blender
React JS Workshop