PlutoHacks logo

October 18-19, 2024 + In-Person

Broward College | Central Campus Bldg. 10

Hacking Ends In









What’s our hackathon all about?

PlutoHacks is a 24 hour in-person event where hackers will take a trip through the different stages of growth- from beginner, to expert, and everything in between. We give you the tools to build something great and the space to learn, iterate and evolve your idea. Our event will bring together people of all different backgrounds to learn and grow their skills, collaborate and make something awesome.

We all start from somewhere. You might start out thinking you’re dwarf planet, but after this event, you’ll realize that you’re a whole other planet. We want you to learn something new, achieve something you’ve never done before, and make awesome ideas happen! We are here for the creators, thinkers, and doers of this world.

Join our Hackathon as a…


As a hacker, you can attend the hackathon and create an application, web project, mobile app, game or even a hardware project! See our FAQs for more information!


As a mentor, you’ll have the pleasure of interacting with our hackers and acting as a helping hand when they encounter a bump in the road.


Sponsoring for PlutoHacks is a great opportunity for you to show your support for the South Florida tech community, promote company branding, and make your products and services visible to all hackathon audiences.

Sponsor Applications are Currently closed.


Volunteering at our event will expose you to our community of hackers, partners, and so many great people! We need help with registration, setting up food, and so much more.

If you would like to make a personal donation less than $100, click the button below. We thank you and greatly appreciate your contribution! We hope that you will continue to follow our journey and see the impact that your contribution has made.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a "hackathon"?

A hackathon is a common event hosted by companies or schools where students come together to collaborate on a project. You can create a web project, prototype, mobile app, game, or even a hardware project. You can think of it as a coding marathon. Anything can be built. There are usually categories or “tracks” in a hackathon that can help you scope your project to a problem that needs to be solved.

Where and when is PlutoHacks?

Our hackathon will be happening from October 18 to October 19, 2024. This hackathon is open to all students in the United States, but in-person participation is required.

Is there a theme for this hackathon?

Every year we have different categories and challenges for the hackathon. You will find out about them during the opening ceremony. All of the challenges will be documented in our Devpost page, which will go live during the opening ceremony.

What are the categories/prizes?

All of the categories and prizes will be announced during the opening ceremony.

How can I become a sponsor?

If you are interested in sponsoring our event, please check out this page, and fill out the application at the bottom!

How much experience do I need?

You don’t need any experience to participate in our hackathon. We welcome students of all skill levels and academic backgrounds. We will have workshops prior to and during the hackathon as well as mentors available to provide help and guidance with your project.

All hackathon teams look different. You can be a programmer, a graphic expert, or even just someone with an idea!

How many hackers does PlutoHacks usually have?

Last year we had over 100 hackers during our hackathon, so we can’t wait to see you and your project this year!

What do I need to bring?

We recommend bringing your own laptop. If you do not have your own device, you may use our limited supply of computers. We highly recommend using your own device, that way you don’t need to wait to install any software. Since this is a 24 hour hackathon, we also suggest bringing hygiene products, feminine products, blankets, or whatever reasonable item you need to be comfortable here!

Will we get swag?

You will get a swag package when you check in. Please make sure to input your correct T-Shirt size when filling out the registration form!

What about food?

We will be serving food throughout the event- free of cost! Our wonderful sponsors handle the expenses for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner!

How much does it cost?

Nothing! PlutoHacks is a free event for all those that wish to participate! Everything is funded by our sponsors.

How can I prepare for the hackathon?

We have created a hacker guide for all hackers. It will be available upon your registration acceptance.

Prior to the hackathon, we will also be having workshops on a variety of different topics that can help prepare you for the event.

All workshops are hosted by the InTech Club.

What time do we start hacking?

We will publish the schedule soon.

We will have an opening ceremony and closing ceremony, and there will be workshops and mini-events that will happen throughout the day.

Do I need to have a group?

You can either work solo or in a team. If you are working in a team, teams can have no more than four members. You can create or join teams prior to the hackathon, but we will also have a team formation session during the hackathon.

We do not force the creation of teams according to skill. We encourage you to make use of our #team-formation channel in our Discord server.

Who can attend PlutoHacks?

Our face-to-face event is eligible to all students (undergraduate and below) in the United States who attend in person. You must currently be a student or have graduated within a year. If you are under 18, you will have to fill out a waiver form when you register.

Only registered hackers can attend—no guests are allowed.

Can I start later on in the hackathon?

Life happens— come when you can and join a team! It’s all about learning and enjoying the experience.

Where can I see past submissions?

We have recorded all of our 2021, 2022 & 2023 winning submissions on these pages 2021 highlights, 2022 highlights & 2023 highlights! You can also see all of the submissions in the 2021 & 2022 Devpost.

Can I submit old projects?

No. All submissions must be original creations that were made during the timeframe of our event. You can not post any projects that were made prior to the hackathon. We do not allow cross submissions. We do check for this, so if you don’t follow these rules we will not consider your submission.

Can I use a boilerplate?

Yes. A boilerplate is essentially a starter project that can be generated from different libraries or frameworks. As long as your project doesn’t center around the boilerplate, you may use them. Use caution when using boilerplates, as judges can disqualify your project.

Who can I reach out to with questions?

You can reach us at or you can reach out to an organizer on our Discord server by tagging @organizer.

How do I use Discord?

Since Discord is where we hold all communication, you should familiarize yourself with the platform. Visit this link to get a basic understanding of how Discord works!


The Schedule for the events of the 18-19th are available in your Hacker Guide!

Meet the Organizors!

PlutoHacks is organized by these wonderful individuals who put time, effort, and dedication in order to have our hackers shine!

“The purpose of an organization is to enable common men to do uncommon things” ~ Peter Drucker

Michelle Levine

Organizer since 2015 🐝

Ester Sims

Organizer since 2018 🥭

Grace Hechavarria

Organizer since 2021 🤩

Ellie Hechavarria

Organizer since 2021 💃🏻

Linh Trinh

Organizer since 2024 🎀

Christian Del Valle

Organizer since 2023 🚗

Alison Li

Organizer since 2024 🔥

Monica Steinberg

Organizer since 2023 🐱


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